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Покупая материалы для ремонта люди в настоящее время учитывают не только практичность, долговечнос...

International ExpoForum “Building. Architecture. Real Estate” has finished its work!

The organizer of the ExpoForum Kyiv International Contract Fair, Ltd. expresses gratitude to partner...

We continue sharing the news of the exhibition with you!

International Laboratory of Architecture 2018 within the International ExpoForum “Building. Architec...

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Articles about us

Латвийские архитекторы участвуют в Международном ЭкспоФоруме «Строительство. Архитектура. Недвижимость»

Компания Expodesign при информационной поддержке журнала «Дом и Интерьер» и Балтийского архитектурного центра представляет  ведущих архитекторов Латвии и Украины на Международном ЭкспоФоруме «Строительство. Архитектура. Недвижимость», который пройдёт в Киеве с 26 по 28 сентября 2018 года.

Read more: Латвийские архитекторы участвуют в Международном ЭкспоФоруме «Строительство. Архитектура. Недвижимость»


Roof like a construction set

BM Rubin will present innovative products at the International ExpoForum “Buiding. Architecture. Real Estate.” You will have a chance to take part in a workshop on qualitative installation of modern, fantastic, flat clay tiles CREATON.Simpla at the Festival of construction service.

Read more: Roof like a construction set


Specialized conference “QUALITY.NOW.UA”

On September 27 the first specialized conference “QUALITY.NOW.UA” will be held within the International ExpoForum BUILDING. ARCHITECTURE. REAL ESTATE – 2018.

Read more: Specialized conference “QUALITY.NOW.UA”


The 4th Marathon of Projects will take place at the end of September

Marathon of Projects, where new building objects will be presented, will start on September 27. This year the participants and listeners will see the projects of new residential complexes, shopping and entertainment centres, social facilities, etc.

Read more: The 4th Marathon of Projects will take place at the end of September


Festival of Construction Service

In order to promote products effectively and increase the sales, the manufacturer needs to consider additional services, such as installation, operation maintenance and quality guarantee for the products. Undoubtedly, the main component of successful, durable and reliable operation, as well as additional motivation to make a purchase, is professional installation of products and guarantee by a manufacturer.

Read more: Festival of Construction Service