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International ExpoForum “Building. Architecture. Real Estate” has finished its work!

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The International ExpoForum “Building. Architecture. Real estate” successfully finished its work

For 3 days of its run, the International ExpoForum became the center of the main events in building industry. Leading specialists, representatives of project organizations, governmental authorities, architects and designers gathered right here to exchange their experience and valuable exclusive information.

Over 150 companies participated in the ExpoForum.

The ExpoForum attracted over 8,000 people of the professional target audience.

The ExpoForum was marked by a wide range of business events, such as, for instance, 60 reports and presentations by the experts of the field, governmental authorities, state and public organizations, architects and designers.

Besides, the other important events include presentation “Innovations in modern construction: organization, technologies, materials”, Marathon of Projects, conference “New system of planning of space as a tool to develop united communities”.

The organizer of the ExpoForum “BUILDING. ARCHITECTURE. REAL ESTATE”, the company “Kyiv International Contract Fair”, expresses its gratitude to co-organizers, partners, participants and visitors for active participation in the events of the ExpoForum and its expositions.

Our special gratitude is addressed to Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Communal Living of Ukraine, Construction Chamber of Ukraine, National Architects Union of Ukraine, Association of Ukrainian cities.