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Покупая материалы для ремонта люди в настоящее время учитывают не только практичность, долговечнос...

International ExpoForum “Building. Architecture. Real Estate” has finished its work!

The organizer of the ExpoForum Kyiv International Contract Fair, Ltd. expresses gratitude to partner...

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International Laboratory of Architecture 2018 within the International ExpoForum “Building. Architec...

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Articles about us

Newsletter №8 of Construction Chamber of Ukraine


Read more: Newsletter №8 of Construction Chamber of Ukraine


Cast iron fireplace and stoves-fireplaces by Polish manufacturer “Odlewnia KAWMET MarekKawinski”

Foundry Odlewnia KAWMET MarekKawiński” is a family company with a long history, where practical experience has been passed from generation to generation since 1981. The enterprise is specialized in manufacturing of cast iron fireplaces, stoves-fireplaces and other cast iron products.

Read more: Cast iron fireplace and stoves-fireplaces by Polish manufacturer “Odlewnia KAWMET MarekKawinski”


Innovations in modern construction: organization, technologies, and materials

Program of the presentations “Innovations in modern construction: organization, technologies, and materials”
(Exhibition Center “KyivExpoPlaza”, Exhibition Hall 1, Special location, October 5, 2017)

Read more: Innovations in modern construction: organization, technologies, and materials


Workshop “Correct installation of “roofing pie” by the company “MKM Construction”

Workshop: “Correct installation of “roofing pie” according to all the standards by the company “MKM Construction” as a part of building exhibition “Comfort House”, October 5-7, 2017.

Read more: Workshop “Correct installation of “roofing pie” by the company “MKM Construction”


On October 6 the 3rd Marathon of Projects will start its work as a part of International ExpoForum “Building. Architecture. Real estate.”

Traditionally, Marathon of Projects unites leading architects of Ukraine for business communication and discussion of the latest tendencies in the sphere of architecture. This year the key topic of the event is the renovation of riverside areas in urban conditions. Five speakers of the Marathon will dedicate their reports to this topic. The speakers will reveal the results of two architectural contests on renovation of the territories near the Lybid’ and Pochaina Rivers.

Read more: On October 6 the 3rd Marathon of Projects will start its work as a part of International ExpoForum “Building. Architecture. Real estate.”