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Yurii Kaihorodtsev speaking about 3D printers at international expoforum BUILDING, ARCHITECTURE, REAL ESTATE

The third working day of the international expoforum BUILDING, ARCHITECTURE, REAL ESTATE is continuing with success.

Today at the special location Design Innovation,Yurii Kaihorodtsev, architect and co-founder of Ukraine’s leading scientific and research architectural laboratory Inlab Architects, made an interesting report on use of 3D printers for creation of façade elements, façade systems and realization of ready buildings. With the help of his presentation, the speaker visualized possibilities of 3D printers in creation of unique design elements and no-standard architecture objects. Also, the author of multiple unique projects within Ukraine uncovered secrets of parametric architecture. This presentation was interesting for young designers and architects, as there were very little people in Ukraine knowing the world’s most famous parameterization.