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International ExpoForum “Building. Architecture. Real Estate” has finished its work!

The organizer of the ExpoForum Kyiv International Contract Fair, Ltd. expresses gratitude to partner...

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International Laboratory of Architecture 2018 within the International ExpoForum “Building. Architec...

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Articles about us

Главная строительная выставка Украины InterBuildExpo 2015 открылась!

Сегодня, 25 марта, в 11:00 в первом павильоне ВЦ «КиевЭкспоПлаза» состоялось торжественное открытие  InterBuildExpo – 30-й Международной строительной выставки!

Read more: Главная строительная выставка Украины InterBuildExpo 2015 открылась!


The second all-Ukrainian contest “Architecture award ARCHIHIT” launches

On the second day of the exhibition the press conference devoted to the launch of the 2nd all-Ukrainian contest “Architecture award ARCHIHIT” was held.

The task of the Contest is to reveal the tendencies of revalorization of the urban environment, selection of the best projects and promotion of architects who develop environmental approach in projecting.

The contest to be held in 2015 will offer two Ukrainian cities – Lviv and Zolochiv, historical city blocks of which will become reconstructed aiming at creation of recreation and tourism center. Contest project-concepts can become the basis of the real offers for investors.

Read more: The second all-Ukrainian contest “Architecture award ARCHIHIT” launches


Light and sound equipment from the ART-R company

Профессиональное световое, звуковое, лазерное, сценическое оборудование от компании АРТ-РThe ART-R company is one of the largest suppliers and distributors of equipment in the Кsphere of show business. It represents the world’s leading manufacturers of professional light, sound, laser, stage equipment, DJ equipment and equipment for special effects. Landscape and architectural lighting is one of the directions of the company’s activities, which later on has been accompanied by underscoring the facades, landscapes and water basins.

Read more: Light and sound equipment from the ART-R company


International exhibition of effective technologies for home Comfort House is open

Comfort House

International exhibition of effective technologies for home Comfort House is open

Read more: International exhibition of effective technologies for home Comfort House is open


GENERAC gas generators at the Comfort House 2014 exhibition

GENERACThe main event of the construction life of Ukraine in autumn, the Comfort House exhibition, which will be held from 17 to 20 September 2014 in the KyivExpoPlaza exhibition center, will showcase the different aspects of a residential house improvement, including - gas generators, for example, by Generac.

Read more: GENERAC gas generators at the Comfort House 2014 exhibition


Твердотопливные энергосберегающие котлы от компании «БЕЗГАЗА»

Рациональное, постепенное внедрение новых энергосберегающих технологий обещает сокращение производственных расходов и снижение себестоимости продукции и услуг.

Твердотопливные котлы предназначаются для отопления производственных, бытовых, административных помещений, а также школ, детских садов и других помещений, в которых оборудованы системы центрального отопления.

Read more: Твердотопливные энергосберегающие котлы от компании «БЕЗГАЗА»